A Call to Action—Stamping Out Workplace Harassment

Jason E. Reisman

“This” isn’t just about Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore, Kevin Spacey, Al Franken, Matt Lauer, or others in the news. “This” isn’t just about politicians, Hollywood, and the media.

“This” is a real problem in workplaces across the country. Every time we hear a story that sounds surreal, we want to believe it’s some type of joke. But, it never is. Although the law—and common sense—make clear that such conduct is not acceptable, it still happens. It’s been happening in the employment setting for decades. Now, with the latest revelations being broadcast across the news, it’s finally getting more widespread attention. And, “this” needs attention, as well as focused efforts at eradication. Continue reading “A Call to Action—Stamping Out Workplace Harassment”